Making History
by the numbers
Over the past 8 years Leon County Schools has achieved a record number of "FIRSTS"!
- 10 million dollar purchase of 30,000 educational laptops for all students K-12
- 94 percent graduation rate (5th highest in state) prior to Covid
- 0-5 "Littles to Leaders" program targeting new parents of children birth to 5
- 22 new career technical programs at middle and high schools
- 3 million dollars annually to schools for instructional materials and equipment
- 1 million dollars per year for schools to fund arts and athletic programs
- 4 million dollars for school counselors, social workers and academic coaches
- 50 school security monitors to ensure school safety on all campuses
- 28 million for teacher salary increases ($1,000 more per month than 2017)
- 30 percent increase to beginning teacher salaries ($36,500 to $47,500)
- 65 percent increase to the district minimum wage ($9.34 to $15.00)
- 0 audit findings by the Florida Auditor General
- 185 million dollars for capital improvement projects at Title I schools
- 170 million dollar reduction of capital debt
- 2028 Leon County Schools will become 100 percent debt free
Championing Educational Excellence
In 2016 you took a chance on me and supported my effort to become Superintendent of Leon County Schools. You believed in me and the commitment I made to our community that, if elected, I would always serve as a champion for our students, our teachers and our public schools. Over the last 8 years, I have tried hard to make good on that promise. During my tenure I have led our school district through many unforeseen challenges. None more so than our public schools response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am so proud of everything our school district employees did during this crisis to keep our children safe and our schools open.
In addition to managing the lasting effects of the COVID Crisis I have focused on 8 key areas:
- Fortified School Hardening Measures/ Created Single Points Of Entry
- Armed Officers At All Schools/ Additional Officer At Each High School
- Funded 50 Security Monitors To Assist Armed Officers At All Schools
- Purchase Of Weapons Detection Dog
- Anonymous Reporting App For Students At All Middle And High Schools
- Zero Eyes Camera Software That Identifies An Individual With A Weapon
- Extended School Security Hours For After School Programs
- Increased our A rated schools 2022 to 2023 by 33%
- No schools with a failing grade since 2018
- At or above the state average in ELA, Math and Social Studies proficiency 22-23
- Academically Outperforming Districts of similar size (Alachua, Bay & Escambia)
- Outperforming the state in Social Studies by 10 percentage points
- At or above the state average in graduation rate since 2016. Ranked top 5 in the state prior to Covid 2019-2021.
- Repurposed And Rebranded Lively Technical College
- Strengthened Partnerships With Local Chambers Of Commerce
- Established Relationships With Local Businesses With Career Technical Opportunities
- Created Programs At Lively To Give Students The Skills They Need To Compete For Local Jobs
- Building Trades, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Automotive, Practical Nursing, Aviation, Welding, Cosmetology
- Partnered With Career Source To Connect Students With Job Market
- Strategic Focus On Early Learning Initiatives From Birth To Age 5
- Built Partnerships With Early Learning Coalition And Local Providers
- Developed A Community Pop Up Pre-School Program And Built A Mobil Classroom
- Created “Littles To Leaders” Program For New And Expectant Mothers
- 500 Thousand Dollars Of Additional Annual Funding For Middle and High School Arts Programs
- 500 Thousand Dollars Of Additional Annual Funding For High School Athletic Programs
- Middle School Athletic Programs Free Of Fees For Students And Parents
- Added Middle School Baseball For 2023/2024 School Year
- Beginning Teacher Salary Increased From $36,500 To $47,500
- Veteran Teacher Salary Increased By $10,700
- Minimum Wage Increased From $9.34-$15.00 Per Hour
- Bus Driver Salaries Increased By $7.34 Per Hour
- Para Professional Salaries Increased By 35 Percent
- Rickards High School---2 New Classroom Wings (42 classrooms) and Site Improvement (60 Million Dollars)
- Fairview Middle School---New Classrooms/New Cafeteria/ Gym Remodeling (30 Million Dollars)
- New Athletic Fields And Tracks For All High School (8 Million Dollars)
- W.T. Moore Elementary School---Site Expansion/New Classrooms (12 Million Dollars)
- Hartsfield Elementary School---New Cafeteria 9 Million Dollars
- Leon High School---Gym Renovation and Remodeling (10 Million Dollars)
- Nims Middle School---New Cafeteria/ Gym Renovations (12 Million Dollars)
- Griffin Middle School--New Cafeteria/Gym/Classroom Building (36 Million Dollars)
- Raa Middle School---New Gym/Performing Center, 2 New Classroom Wings (40 Million Dollars)
- Cobb Middle School---Complete School Rebuild (50 Million Dollars)
- Reduced Capital Debt By Over 140 Million Dollars
- Leon County Schools On Track To Be 100 Percent Debt Free By 2028
- Developing Plans To Renew Half Penny Sales Tax Initiative To Support New Construction, Remodeling/Renovation, Maintenance of Facilities, Technology, Bus Replacement
These 8 priorities have served as the core components of my superintendency. This website details each component individually and highlights the achievements we have made during my time in office.
While I am extremely proud of the work we have done, my job is not yet finished. The COVID pause put some of our plans on hold but now, we are up and running again full steam ahead. Just before the first of the year, I filed paperwork with the Supervisors of Elections Office seeking re-election in 2024. With a final term in office, I truly believe, over the next 4 years, I can finish many of the projects I have started and position our school district for continued success in the years to come. In addition, Leon County Schools will be 100 percent debt free!
Words cannot express how much I have appreciated the support you have given me over the last 8 years! Hopefully, I have not disappointed you. Today, I am asking one last time for your continued support for my re-election in 2024.
Here is the link to my campaign donation page ACTBlue.